Road to New Bern...Day 1

"Crochet and Fried Chicken Cookies"
Today was our first full day of driving. This morning we enjoyed an awesomely huge breakfast at a place called Gravy in Portland, Oregon. It boasts a most bodacious breakfast of great magnitude so check it out if you ever get the chance. NOT to be missed. Lindsay and her parents took us there and we had a great morning socializing and relaxing before the big drive ahead. Chris had to work so he sadly couldn't join us. Afterward we bid them farewell and hit the road. I found the time passed quite quickly which was surprising for our first day. We were met with some amazing views of green rolling countryside and Mount Shasta. Around lunch time, we stopped for Subway and I ran over to a local Walmart and bought some yarn and crochet hooks. I was determined to make something...even if it was a nice rectangle of crochetedness. It definitely helped to pass the time.
We drove a whopping total of 600 miles our first full day on the road. BE IMPRESSED. In the evening, we stopped in Sacramento, California and stayed at the Holiday Inn. A very, very nice Holiday Inn actually. For dinner we went to a local pizza joint across the street and had their BBQ Chicken pizza. Afterward, for no reason I could really pin-point, I had a craving for fried chicken. Which was very ironic. I will tell you why. When we walked back into our hotel, there were complimentary cookies on the counter for guests. John and I had the same brain wave: Cookies for dessert = good. So I snagged us two cookies. As John was checking his email on his laptop, I happily bit into one of the soft sugar cookies I had just acquired. And stopped. And managed to swallow the bite I had taken after much consideration on whether or not I should. The cookies tasted JUST like fried chicken. I kid you not. I asked John to try a bite of his cookie to make sure I wasn't imagining things. Sure enough...fried chicken and old grease. I don't know about California, but in Washington (and I believe MOST of the country), meat and dessert rarely if EVER go in the same sentence. Unless that sentence is the one I just said. And if we thought the taste was bad, the after taste was farrrrrr worse. We snagged some free apples along with the cookies from the front desk and we were forced to eat one just to rid ourselves of the sick-ness that were those cookies. They LITERALLY tasted like someone left them in a cupboard at a KFC for a few weeks and slowly the grease in the air saturated into the cookies until the any remaining flavor of "sugar cookie" was no more and all that remained was fatty greasy chicken blubber. Needless to say...we avoid complimentary cookies now. To be continued...


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