Hot n Cold
I feel like I've had Katy Perry's "Hot n Cold" song in my head for the past week. And here's why: The past 2 hotels we stayed in had THE most obnoxious air conditioner. This is how it works: every ten minutes it blasts the room with freezing air. Then it turns off for another ten minutes. Then repeat. This is all fine and dandy...until it's time to go to sleep. Because the main blanket is fine when the cold air is blasting but too hot when it turns off. And the sheet is too cold when the cold air is blasting but is fine when the air is off. So basically...ALL NIGHT...whether you realize it or are constantly kicking off and pulling on covers...EVERY ten minutes. I don't think I've had a regular REM cycle for the past week+. Oh here it goes again. Freezing air. Which will last a few minutes...and then there will be nothing for 10 minutes. As much as I love staying in hotels,