I am currently in a room chock-a-bock FULL of Marines. A mere 20 minutes ago I was alone. But now I'm in a swarming sea of testosterone (minus one other woman) and am just WAITING to be booted out of this room. But this morning has been annoying enough to begin with...I dare any Marine, Navy Seal, or friggin Government Assassin to try to move me from this chair. Try it.
Who would have thunk (thinked? thought...there we go.) that the lack of internet could cause such a rash and infuriated reaction?
We arrived here Sunday night. We have lacked internet since Sunday night. We have called Tech Support 3 times. They have solved the problem 2 times only to have it return the next day. Did I mention I work from home and internet is imperative to my job? Yeahhhh. So...we requested to change rooms because tech support said they'd send someone out to fix the problem "as soon as possible." Which means in about 5 days. I don't have 5 days. In fact, from the time we called until I needed internet access again, I had exactly 8 which I planned on sleeping. The staff of the temporary housing didn't want to switch our room before sending in THEIR tech guy to try to fix the problem. So it was back to the conference room this morning where I've been working "temporarily." (Totally awkward place to work. LOTS of foot traffic.) Only not. No...there was a conference going on in there. So I moved upstairs to the lounge as suggested by some staff women. I was here in the peace and quiet of the morning until a few minutes ago...then the swarming of angry Marines began (actually that's not true...they all seemed rather chipper this morning...I just think "angry" when I think "marine"...kind of like I think "karl" when I think "angry"...haha...inside joke)...thankfully...mere seconds ago they all herded themselves into the Pit...the kinda/sorta bar/lounge area which is in another room to my right. A Marine is now giving a lecture on being stressed. Tell me about it, Captain. Maybe I should go in on that lecture.
Note: Thanks for not booting me out guys. I need a cocktail.
Sigh...I needed to get that out. Now that that's over...I really do like it I hope this blog doesn't give the wrong impression. I'm just sick of internet issues. Here, home, overseas, where ever. One of my biggest pet peeves is internet issues. Makes my blood BOIL.
I'm getting used to living on base. I got my stickers on my car yesterday. No ponies. :) It definitely makes going on base a lot smoother. Cherry Point is really a beautiful area. It's very woodsy and green and makes you want to take up jogging even if you've never been a runner cuz it's so darn beautiful. Seeing huge aircrafts flying overhead is a bonus too. I know I'm going to like it here...even when John is away...


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