Ma Jiang He Yi Bei Cha...

I want adventure...I want to go...I want to explore. I want to find a treasure. I dreamed about home last night...yes...HOME home. China home. I dreamed everyone I knew while there was back...and there was a reunion. All my old teachers a.k.a. best friends' moms, classmates, friends, and new friends too that were never in China. As silly as it may sound, it was like heaven. It was all my favorite people in my favorite situation in my favorite place: crowded around banquet tables enjoying each others' company, sharing good food and old stories. And new stories. John was there too. I've been looking at my dear friend Erika's blog this morning. Check it out here. And I swear with every picture I see of my home town or even some distant Chinese village, I'm suddenly miles away, unable to concentrate on work, unable to focus on anything but the smells and sights I miss so dearly, I feel like I can't breathe. I smell the dusty smell when it rains there, I hear the chattering and laughing (and grumbling) of old grandma's and grandpa's playing Ma Jiang at little tables out of doors. I see the mist over Green Lake, Cui Hu, as everyone is beginning their morning exercise, in unison. I hear, smell, feel, and taste it all...I wish I could go back soon. But I know it will be a little while longer. God keeps telling me that. Just a little while longer. Sometimes I wish I could just drop everything and go for a few weeks...sometimes I've almost done just that...sometimes I've even saved the the plane ticket itineraries online. *sigh*
I just want to see it all again...even though it's all changed. And I want John to see it too. I want John to be able to see home for Rachel.


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