Chicken Soup for the...sick?

I went to the dentist yesterday. They said exactly what I suspected: the pain wasn't my tooth at all. It was my jaw muscles. Not sure how it happened but my jaw muscles and joints are all swollen and sore. SO I have to exercise them, take ibuprofen and Valium, and put a hot wash cloth on my face a few times a day. I'm relieved he didn't say I had to get my wisdom teeth yanked then and there but he did say I would probably need to consider doing it eventually. Sooner than later. He did say it didn't need to be in the next few weeks. Just...sometime. So...that's semi relieving...even though I'd rather not get them removed at all. Why do we have them at all if they are useless, cause problems and serve no purpose? Useless and serving no purpose are the same thing, huh? head is foggy...gimme a break.
Right now chicken broth and soft noodles are my bestest friend ever.
I think they've made too many horror movies involving medical professionals. It has made me not trust hospitals, doctors, dentists or...really anyone medically involved. Nurses are okay. They're usually clueless in the movies anyway. I find myself scoping out medical buildings for quick escape routes. They always seem to have unmarked doors with no doorknob. What's up with that? It's just creepy. If it's their supply door, they should mart it "Supply Door" or something. Maybe they leave it unmarked so teenage hooligans don't try to break in and sniff their stuff. I think I'm putting a little too much thought into this.


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