Do you ever notice something you never noticed before during your daily routine? Yesterday I noticed that one of the many stops I stop at on my way home is not a Stop at all but a Yield. The Stop Sign for the lane next to mine and the Yield are so close that you can barely tell which goes where. Who knew... I found a little rose bursting with life behind my monitor where I couldn't see it yesterday. The rest of my roses on my plant look nice but this one is exceptionally bright and vibrant. And to think I almost missed it entirely. I watched Meet the Spartans last night. Such a retarded movie but it made me laugh. I wouldn't recommend it really at all unless you're A. Drunk B. In a really stupid mood or C. Appreciate completely making fun of...well...everything that's happened in the past year. Everything. Yes...even the Britney Spears fan crying youtube video "Leave Britney Alone!" My favorite parts were the Britney's the credits music video...the Britney routine had me in stitches... I also loved how much they cut 300 down to the ground. I especially liked that the Spartans didn't run anywhere, they skipped while holding hands. Good stuff.