Surge of Creativity
I was productive this weekend. Although DARN it, I did forget to work on one project I was determined to try to do. I'll just have to work on it tonight.
I finally got my butt together and worked on Baby Robots for my Etsy shop. No, they are not posted yet. Still finishing them up. But I do have a surprise when I DO post them. I'm very excited to show everyone. :)
Before I was able to work on Robots, I went on a cleaning spree and tackled my bonus room/creative studio. I've gotta admit, I've never really felt inclined to work up there. It's always been a huge mess of creativeness that just overwhelms me because there was no rhyme or reason to any of it. But I just got in this mode and just beat it to the ground and wow. I LOVE it up there now! I remember my friend Robyn of talked about getting your creative space in order so you actually WANT to work in it. Well...I did just that and now it's hard to tear myself out of that room. My cats are not complaining either. They love it up there. And this was the first time I've worked on my robots anywhere besides the kitchen. It's SO nice to be in a brightly lit place to work. It goes so much faster, it seems. So I am having a new surge of creative energy. :) Yay!!
Besides being creative, I went to Monique's on Saturday for a fun game night with the ladies (one of our last events before the guys come home! wooooot). I taught them a killer amazing game called Telephone Pictionary that my cousins taught me over Christmas. It's so fun.
Today I am yawning, trying to shake myself awake. Which is proving difficult. But my coffee is coaxing me slowly...slowwwwly...