
It's Tuesday. I'm not sure what day it feels like but it doesn't feel like a Tuesday.
I felt very accomplished this weekend. I didn't do all that much but I did a few things I've been putting off for *literally* months. One was to hang some carved beams I have. I finally decided where I wanted them and hung the first one up. Everything looked great and went fine until the second one went up. I lifted it to put it up and noticed the nails were too narrow. HOW did that happen, I thought? I measured everything exactly as the first one. Then I saw it. I was measuring using the width of the door. The second doorway was SMALLER. Who knew. Either way, thankfully I did not have to pound any more nails. I just hung it on a different area of the beam. So I'm happy. Second was to get rid of all the beer that's been sitting in my fridge for over 6 months. Yes. 6 months. Not cool. It was SUPPOSED to get drunken by all John's friends before they left but never happened (shocker). So I finally just dumped it because there is an expiration on those things and I'm sure it would have tasted off. So as a result my recycling bin looks like I either had a giant party or just binged on a butt load of beer and am probably lying in a comma somewhere in my house. Poor garbage guys.
I also got rid of some crap I didn't need that made me very happy. But one of the happiest things of my weekend (aside from my anniversary of course) was using my Krumkake iron for the first time. Krumkake is a Norwegian waffle-type dessert that's rolled like an icecream cone. Look here. My mom got me a Krumkake iron for Christmas (we're Norwegian and my parents live in a wee little Norwegian town in Washington...this happened merely by chance) and I kept wanting to try it out but never had the chance. I finally did it and had a blast doing it and they were oh so tasty! I'm going to a potluck tomorrow and I plan on making them for that since they are very quick. And they look impressive which is always a plus. :)
So there you have it.
On a lower note, my mom's work has been struggling and several people were let go recently. We're all praying for her and that she'd be able to keep this job or find something else that can provide for my parents' needs. They've cut their budget down to nothing and my dad only has temporary work and has been looking for a job for over a year.'s pretty discouraging. But I know God will provide. He's provided for them up until this point. He will continue to provide for them after it. I just wish a bunch of cash would fall out of the sky sometimes though.


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