It is officially 2010. I had a lovely New Years Eve with seven of my lady friends in a limousine. The night had its memorable moments and a few moments of sheer terror (like when we stopped for a potty break at a seedy gas station and thought a gang member got in the front seat of our limo...cuhrazy!) but overall it was great to be with friends. And the limo didn't hurt either. ;) We started out at our friend Robyn's house and had kept the limousine a secret since it was a surprise for our friend Kristi's birthday which was New Years Eve. We had let it slip SO many times in front of her but somehow it was a complete surprise to her! Before the limo arrived we played a few drinking games (like playing the song "Thunderstruck" by ACDC and one person starts drinking when they first say "Thunder" and then they stop and the next person starts when they say "Thunder again...but you can't stop drinking until they say it again) and I had my first jello shot which we later nicknamed "booger shots" because they were 1. Booger green and 2. Salty. Mmm-mmm. There were some red ones that were pretty bomb and I tried to stick to those mainly. We rang in the New Year at a country bar in Jacksonville. It was pretty unorganized and they kinda missed the countdown all together. It was more like "Oh it's almost time...wait...Oh it's already midnight! Happy New Year!!" But despite that and my heels threatening my very being, it was a good night and we had lots of laughs. I was embarrassed to find myself waking up today at 3:30 in the afternoon but I think my body needed it. After flying home and staying awake a full 36 hours to do so and then staying up for New Years, I was very much lacking in the sleep department. And here I am staying up until 3:30am. But I feel rested and I refuse to let myself sleep that late tomorrow. NO. Bad. Tonight I went and saw the new Sherlock Holmes, what with my Sherlock obsession and all. I LOVED it. Definitely a favorite. So go see it if you haven't. We were almost finagled into seeing a Chick-flick (that is, me and Monique) but we just really wanted to see Sherlock so we insisted. We've been talking about this movie for months. As with every New Year, this one comes with new beginnings and things I'd like to accomplish. Several years ago I started a little yellow book of New Year's Resolutions. I need to hunt down that book and go over what I wrote last year and write down what I hope for this year. I'm excited to get started. And I'm excited to see what this year holds.