Precious Love

The past year has been wonderful. Starting this new adventure in a new place with John has been awesome even if it has had its moments of difficulty. But we've survived and the only thing I'd change is I wish I could have spent more time with him. I never imagined my first Anniversary and Christmas and New Year's Eve as a married woman would be spent alone. But that's just how things rolled out and I'm okay with it. Granted, I wish the next Christmas, Anniversary, and New Year or two didn't look like they will be about the same...but someday I will be able to spend all three with my husband. Funny the things people take for granted. If you have never been apart from your love for a special occasion or holiday, take a moment and understand that that in itself is a very, very, very special thing. Treasure it. Enjoy it. Don't ever take it for granted. Because if you do, I might have to get physical. And CELEBRATE your darned Anniversaries, for crying out loud!!! After going through this, when I see couples who just decide not to do something special for their anniversary, Stop being stupid and appreciate what you have. Because lots of people out there would gladly trade places with you and send your loved one overseas so they can actually enjoy their Anniversary with theirs. Life is too short and too precious to ignore what makes it just that: precious.
Okay, I'm done.
I love you, John. I hope to meet you on the runway in 18 days. I'll be the one in the little black dress.