Oh Happy Friday

It looks like it's going to be a good day. This is one of the many reasons why. My Baby Robots that I have in my Etsy Shop were featured on a blog! Jenny N. Design's blog to be exact. Click here to read what she said. It's exciting to hear someone is talking about your product. But even more exciting when it's a BRAND NEW product that I am EVER so stoked about. :D Which brings me to realize...I am running out of materials quick. I need to make a Michael's run like mad. More Robots on the way!
Another reason today is wonderful? If all goes well...in exactly a week, I will see my husband for the first time in 6 months. Yay for deployment homecomings!!! I am very, very, very...well...there is no way for me to adequately express how excited I am.
Tomorrow I am going to another squadron's homecoming to take pictures. I'm sure it'll be a very tearful day full of awesome moments. I'm thrilled to be able to experience it from both sides: looking on, taking pictures of the ecstatic Marine wives welcoming home their Marines...and then next Friday as one of the ecstatic Marine wives welcoming home MY Marine. Oh Happy Friday...one more week!!


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