Dear Void

I left Washington state believing that I was returning to warmer lands where I would not be seeing my breath (and actually I didn't see all that much of my breath while in Washington...much less than expected...). But I was sorely mistaken. Apparently, I came back JUST in time for a nice chilly winter! It's currently 21 degrees Fahrenheit. Not at all what I expected from North Carolina but I'm not entirely complaining either. I know it could be much colder...and it just shows that I need to be more proactive about REMEMBERING my warm coat when I leave the house and not wear only a sweatshirt all the time. Crazy.
I just (and by just I mean literally less than 30 seconds ago this very moment) found a blog...that I like. At least the post I just skimmed over. I am always in search of fun reading material...especially when it's the thoughts of real live people and they're interesting people at that (glee!) but this one was definitely one of the most random ones I've found. I mean...the nature in which I found it was random. I was searching for a main photo for this blog post (google imaged the word "chill") and poof! A picture that I liked! But it was the main photo for ANOTHER blog. So I checked said blog and voila...there is was. New blog. I need to look into it further to see if it is truly of interest...maybe I'll do that right now. Hold on.
Hmm...unless I'm mistaken, they haven't posted anything in awhile. Bummer...cuz I liked the post I saw. lots of good music suggestions for the winter (something we're always in need of, I'm sure)...I'll have to glean as much info from that post as possible. Did I just say "glean?" Yes, I just used "glean" in a sentence. One of the many words in the English language that I've probably never used before...unless reading the book of Ruth. Much like the word "Fiber." Although that one you will not find in the book of Ruth. I'm quite sure of really. Believe me.
I feel my blogging has been lacking as of late...and I have my book to blame for that. I've been writing. A lot. But oddly I can't seem to get past the 65 page mark. Which is kind of driving me crazy. Mostly, I'm piecing things together. Making sure it all makes sense, etc. And isn't a complete rip off of some movie (huge doh) without realizing it of course. After working on that, it's hard to get myself to think about blogging. Or writing anything for that matter. But I'm enjoying so so much. And am excited beyond all excitement about what this might become. I would be so incredibly stoked just to have a bound finished book that I wrote in my hands. I don't even know if I'd care if no one else ever read it...just knowing I stuck with it and finished it would be enough. I'm grateful for the flow of ideas that has flooded me and how I've been able to put them down on paper (also known as the computer) in a way that makes sense to the reader...I think. ;) I'm just excited.
I've shown my story to a few people. Only bits and pieces and I've been selective about who has been able to read any of it. I want to keep that circle small as I continue to develop this...but I'm needy for opinions and criticism and help to build this up. I'm hoping I'll get more as I go along.'s chilly, I have a attention-starved cat flung across my lap (he's beyond the hinting stage), and it's late...sort of.
Goodnight, dear void.


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