Little Red Riding Face

I have one more Halloween story. I just thought of this a minute ago. And I have to share. Because I think it's funny. And I had almost forgotten about this experience.
The year I dressed up as the dragon (see post here) I had bought another cuter costume for our actual Halloween work party. Now you may be thinking sexy costume + work party = disaster and normally I would agree but the year before they had another Halloween party (at a nicer venue) and EVERYONE dressed up and a lot of people were in super sexy costumes and it was a lot of fun and perfectly fine. So I thought, nothing to worry about right?
This year I was to be Little Red Riding Hood and my coworker was to be Alice in Wonderland. Both costumes were of the sexy (but not slutty!) nature and showed too much leg and cleavage (no really...not slutty!) for work. Since work was run by Nazis and all. (Funny how it was okay for us to wear them to the work party but not at WORK.) Anyways...I planned to be the dragon at work and then go to the party as Little Red Riding Hood. My coworker Chelsea wore her costume to work but she wore jeans underneath as well as a long sleeved shirt. Let me also make this clear: The work party was specifically called a HALLOWEEN COSTUME party. We got a flier and there was going to be a prize for the best costume as well as the branch (I worked at a bank) that all dressed up together. Just had to lay that out there. So me and Chelsea arrive in the lobby of the (ghetto) place where our party was to be held. We were a little late so we started to sneak into the room and then froze. Horror overcame us. As we looked over the room of people, hardly ANYONE in the room was dressed up. Like. Literally maybe 10% max. A few people were in scrubs (which doesn't count as a freaking costume) and a few people were dressed in our bank logo sweatshirts...oh how creative. And here me and Chelsea our sexy little full out costumes complete with my "basket full of bread for grandma" and Chelsea's thigh high tights. Yeah. Little Red Riding Hood suddenly became Little Red Riding FACE and we slithered to our seats and slipped right back out of the place as soon as humanly possible. It was horrible and humiliating and the whole "party" was incredibly retarded (the budget cuts were SOOOO apparent). THANKFULLY I was able to return the costume and it was never documented (that I know of) in any photos. If the party had at least been FUN, I could have rode it out and made the most of it. was not even worth my energy.
So note to self and others: If you're going to wear a sexy costume, be prepared to have a blast and make the most of it even if you end up being the only person in costume. Elle from Legally Blonde comes to mind. Next time I'll have the guts to go buy a laptop in a bunny costume.


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