The Unexpected

I've been sick. So sick, in fact, I've had little desire to write. Which is odd. I spent my times dazily (is that a word? well now it is..."to be in the state of daze") drooling over my computer while sipping lukewarm tea and watching Heroes. Season 2, Season 3...soon Season 4. And sleeping. LOTS of sleeping. But I survived and am quite convinced it was NOT swine flu. However, how glamorous would that be? I could say I lived in close proximity with SARS AND Swine Flu. That is a bragging right few people can claim. I am.
I got a movie from Netflix that I wasn't really entirely sure what to think about. I thought "well it's a chick flick so it'll be a light watch...and I do like Cameron Diaz..." but at the same time I half expected to hate it or think it was I do with most chick flicks chicks are supposed to LOVE. I have unique taste. For example, despite being forced to watch it on multiple occasions at sleep overs during highschool, I've always thought A Walk To Remember was the most annoying movie. While watching The Notebook in college with my teary-eyed friends, I commentated "And then he falls from the balcony" at one of the most touching moments of the film. I received much hissing and gnashing of teeth in response but to make my point, no. I did not like The Notebook. It was long, drawn-out, and depressing. Sorry. My bad? Okay. My bad.
This movie...while I can't say it was the best movie ever (but what movie is the best movie ever?), I really, truly enjoyed it. I found myself in tears twice. Part of me keeps trying to rethink the whole thing and wonders if possibly I'm just having a really emotional day or it's almost my period or something...neither of which are true. I think the fact is...this movie came to me at just the right time. I could relate to feelings that the characters were feeling...(no I don't have a sister and no I didn't sleep with a guy she slept with...wouldn't make sense unless you've seen it)...and challenges they were facing too in an indirect way. It was...very unexpectedly enjoyable.


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