525,600 Minutes

I woke up with this song in my head. Although I could have SWORN I had this song on my computer, it is nowhere to be found. So I proceeded to play it repeatedly on youtube while singing at unruly loud decibels. I even missed a friend's knock on my door at one point. Oops!
I have officially been on the computer consistently a total of 14 hours today. That should not be allowed unless you're a hardcore programmer. Which I am not. In any shape or form. It's odd not blogging in so long. But it's been very busy for me. This past weekend my cousin came to visit and we had lots of laughs about things only cousins really can laugh about and enjoyed lots of food, meandering and going to the beach. She left just in time as the temperature dropped and I had several overcast days. Then I had a big project to finish that I completed today (hence majority of the time spent on the computer...but not all since I've been off work for several hours now...I just can't get awayyy!!) and tomorrow my mommy comes to town to visit for a WHOLE WEEK!! I am beyond stokified about this. It's not really hitting me. It won't until I'm in the terminal.
I've been on an alcohol mode the past few days. NO NEED FOR ALARM PEOPLE. I just had a beer with my dinner the past few nights and tonight I had a glass of wine. It was odd...since I don't usually drink beer that much. But it was surprisingly refreshing and nice.
It's funny. About 1 minute and 30 seconds ago I opened my blog, mused that I hadn't written in awhile and decided I was too tired and not in the mood to write anything right now. Anddddd here I am. So...funny life.
I watched the second season finale for Ugly Betty tonight and the DVD's for the third season aren't out until the 22nd. Sadly, I was too annoyed by the ending of the second season that I stalked the first episode on youtube and watched about 10 minutes of it. Of course whoever was making the episode didn't include the REST of the episode. So...I only know 10 minutes worth. I don't know why...but I really enjoy this show. I think because it's one of those rare shows about fashion where the frumpy girl DOESN'T get completely made-over, loose a bunch of weight and get all hot. I dig that. And gradually she HAS gotten more attractive on her own. Although...I swear she's had braces for about 4 years now.
Well...I think my body is cuing the end of this post. I am getting a sharp pain in my right eyeball that shoots from within my skull down the side of my nose at a rapid pace any time I move my vision to another part of my blindingly white screen. Not a good sign probably. How does my brother do this hours on end without getting a headache? I'll never know.
Ok...off I go! Yay!!


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