Sassy Back

The sassiness is back.
When pregnancy began, I had several people tell me that I had become sassier and through the first semester it was very, VERY apparent that this observation was dead-on. At the beginning of my second trimester, I seriously felt it slip. I was much more timid, emotional (I cried twice while taking down our Christmas tree...but there were other reasons for that too...but still...), and just more chill in general. NOW...I can feel the sassiness resurfacing. I wonder if it will stay long-term or just for pregnancy. And I love that I checked and I have an entire label called "sassiness."
Today, I had my second confirmation that we are indeed having a GIRL. It was as if it were an answer to my previous blog post. I also had an extremely realistic dream about her on Tuesday. This is rare as my dreams are normally: A. Really, really weird or traumatic, B. Always about baby boys (at least my pregnancy dreams have been), or C. All of the above. I dreamed about birth (which was the only unrealistic part as it wasn't a big deal) and holding her and her smiling. She was 6 pounds and I just remember looking at her and being in awe. I can't wait. :)
Now shut up and get me a snack.
Photo: Unknown found via RTW 365


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