A Life of Travel

My baby cousin just arrived in South Africa and will be there for the next several months in an exchange through her nursing program at school. I'm both ecstatic and jealous for her. But mostly ecstatic. I know she's going to have an amazing time (she is already!) and this is going to be the experience of a lifetime. And probably one of many! Once you get the itch, it doesn't die easily. I miss traveling, missions trips, and just meeting people where they are in different walks of life. My life has changed so much from where it used to be and where I vaguely expected it to be at this point in time. But...it's good. All of it. I wouldn't trade where I am for anything because I know it's where God wants me...as South Africa is where God wants Maddie. Oh the places I wish to go!!!...but they will have to wait a bit for this little life inside me to grow a little more.
Speaking of life, I felt this little Chickpea in my belly hiccup for the first time yesterday and she's been nothing but movement this morning. It sometimes feels like she gets more active the more stationary I am. As if she's saying, "GET MOVING!" So I will comply.
Off to study, get a hot drink on this gray day (it's finally getting cold, sorta, after such a mild winter!), and hopefully get some writing done. And take a decent picture of myself. I am required to turn in a decent photo of myself for something I will elaborate on later (it's still a little under raps, I think) but FINDING a decent, recent photo of myself is becoming a real challenge (I've found a few winners but they're ALL a little blurry...darn phone!!). So...I might have to take one. Which is no fun sounding on a day I wished to stay in PJs.
Photo: Madeline Johnson


Madeline Johnson said…
Love you Rach! You are so cute. Wish you were here! AAAAANd i CAN'T wait to meet your little mouse :]

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