
So I finally discovered Pinterest. People have been talking to me about it (talking AT me) for quite awhile now. Even my own MOTHER beat me to it and has been the Pinterest queen for quite some time. I decided it was time for me to grace the place with my presence...and then I realized I had NO idea what I was doing. Pinning? Boards? Huh?
But no fear. I've since figured it out (sorta) and am enjoying some inspirational creativity...which hopefully will come in handy when I finally get this baby's room in order. I need pictures and I need them on the wall ASAP. This echoey room nonsense is getting to me.
In other things, it may come to no surprise to you...or you may already know that...what I mean to say is...sigh...
I LOVE TJMAXX. I could practically live there. It's true. When I still lived in Washington, the TJMaxx was definitely not my favorite place to go. I was much more of a Ross person (but I hate to say it, South, the Ross' around here are downright dirty, grimy, and a little frightening at times...sound familiar, Walmart?) and didn't understand the wonder that is TJMaxx until I honestly moved to North Carolina. I'm not sure what changed...or maybe regionally, North Carolina just has awesome TJMaxxes. Or maybe it's because I now have a house. I'm not sure what the answer is. I just know...ever since buying our house and getting our house essentials elsewhere and then walking into TJMaxx and seeing the very thing I had been searching for...for the price I'd been searching for...and the color I couldn't find, I realized TJMaxx is the place for me and there's no reason to buy household stuff elsewhere unless you've checked there first. It's a recovering shopaholic's worst nightmare because it honestly only makes sense if you're willing to impulse buy. Not ALWAYS, mind you. But...let's be honest. Yeah. Yeah almost always. You know that coat might go on sale at Macy's so you leave it. At TJMaxx, if you leave something, believe you me, you will never see that item again. Very rarely have I left something behind and found it again at a later time. It's like digging for treasure, really.
Yesterday, I bought out the store. Wait, let me explain. I've made some rules for TJMaxx as I've been known to get out of hand in the past. Yes. The PAST. I have done SO well the past two years (wow, I really do sound like an addict now, don't I...). The rules were set in place when I realized that impulse buying is just much too dangerous there. Now...with what I said before about it being necessary when shopping have to have a rule of thumb. Sure, you could find 12 pairs of the heels of your dreams. Should you buy them all because they won't be there tomorrow (or later this afternoon)? Of course not. You're ridiculous! That is why rules must be made because the temptation is real. So here are my TJMaxx rules:
1. Make a list (outside the store...preferably at home on a day when you aren't planning on gracing the public with your in your pajamas...why is this important, you ask? Because then you won't be tempted to go out and SHOP) of the things you are looking for or needing. Yes. NEEDING. I'm not talking about "1 pair of really cute green heels." This list is things you could actually use ("could" is a dangerous word so be very, very careful). For example, if you had a wedding to go to but no heels to go with your chosen dress, THAT would be an okay time to find those green heels. But don't buy shoes to buy shoes. Then...when you find yourself at TJMaxx, you have the list in your mind (hopefully) and have an aim. Believe me, going in there without an aim is suicide. On your wallet.
2. If it's on clearance, buy it. But carry it around the store for at least 10 minutes first.
3. Going along with Rule #2,whatever you plan on buying, on the list or not, impulse or not, carry it around the store for at least 10 minutes first. Trust me. This is a huge deal for me. I have put back many a pointless, buyer's-remorse-inducing purchase with this rule. Because hopefully (if you have an ounce of sense in your body), the novelty of the item will wear off and you'll realize that it's not on your list and it's certainly not something you need or really want to pay all that for.
Now...that's it. I have other rules I'll make for certain days, if necessary. For example, some days I will avoid the bag and shoe department altogether because I know it's just not a good idea. I am a strong believer in not just buying crap to buy crap. I've learned this the hard way so TRUST ME. Or at least hear my tale. I donate anything I don't use. And after seeing bags of unused things go to donation, I knew I was accumulating too much for no reason. It brought on more buyer's remorse than gleeful happiness. And that's just not worth it to me. So...the rules are necessary.
ALL OF THAT being said...I made some larger purchases yesterday at TJMaxx. But guess what? 99% of them were on my list. I'm starting to go into this frantic organizing mode as my nesting instinct is slowly kicking in. I had very specific things on my list (specific is key) and I found MOST of them, surprisingly. I also found a large baby item I will be needing. And it was $100 less than the one I had registered for on my baby registry. Um...HELLO! So...all that being said. Yes. I bought quite a bit. Did I break the bank? No. Do I have buyer's remorse. No! I am THRILLED with my house getting organized (I'm telling you...this nesting instinct is NO JOKE). I put up some hanging shelves in my pantry and almost cried I was so happy. That's how crazy it is. But yeah...organization. LOVE IT.
So...I guess that's all I have to say about TJMaxx. For now. Just...shoppers beware.
Photo: Unknown found via Interior Design Ideas


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