Hair Ball, Baby!
A month ago I cut my hair. I also went to a ball. Both of while I BARELY wrote about. So I'll do it now while sitting in my pajamas/underwear at 2 in the afternoon, awkwardly sitting sideways on my office chair because my cat adores me so much and has turned himself into a back support system...that does more of the pushing than the supporting.
We went to the ball. It was mid-June and it was the same week my lips blew up because of my suddenly developed mango allergy. But that's another wonderful story. Thankfully, my lips died-down enough by the time the ball rolled around so that I looked like a normal person...with only a mild case of botox. I got my hair cut a day or two before the ball and then had it styled on the day of the ball. I had it cut into a with the ability to be styled in a Mohawk style without actually shaving the sides off. My friend Ann who has done my hair as of late did an awesome job. I had a few moments of panic right after cutting it that made me frantically text John, warning him that he might not like it (he's always said he wasn't a huge fan of short hair). He "reassured" me by saying if it was really bad, he would just grow back his deployment mustache (the guys have this thing with growing mustaches while's a form of male bonding...and it's gross). Thankfully he was kidding and thankfully he ended up loving my hair. From the moment I set foot in the convention center parking lot for the ball until the moment we decided to go home, I got nothing but honks and compliments. The ball was great...a little bittersweet since we knew at that point that John would be switching squadrons and this would be our last event with the Q-3 family. It all went by really quickly and I remember thinking I didn't get that much of a chance to dance which I was a little sad about. Afterward, we went to a local bar that was walking distance away. Sadly, the only photo of John and I together that night was the professional pictures we took...and thankfully they turned out really cute. Photos: Meself and Professional Ball Photos