
So...this, in a nutshell, tells you what I've been needing to cry/be angry about for awhile. It was written several weeks ago. Uh...enjoy? I guess...heh:
I feel like the theme lately has been blog posts I want to write but can't post...yet. But I figure writing them and saving them will ease the urge. Right? Right. First, I'll give you the run down of why I am currently not a fan of John's original squadron and why they can not expect any favors from me now or ever. Warning: If you don't want to endure a few minutes of intense complaining and bashing, skip over this next part. Otherwise, proceed with caution.
1. John is scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan with said squadron in October of last year.
2. A month before deploying, we get a phone call during dinner. He gets picked for an IA which means he's leaving much sooner and going to Iraq instead of Afghanistan.
3. After months of rumors flying about people being transferred to different squadrons but John is assured all that time that he'll remain with his original squadron (HA), he comes home.
4. Annnndd is immediately reassigned to a parent squadron. Thanks guys. Just thanks.
5. After going to the hail and bail (which we all know I hate) for the parent squadron, we find out the SAME DAY that he won't be there for long: the military suddenly noticed that, oh wow! Being on an IA and then going to the parent squadron does absolutely nothing for this Marine's career since thousands of tax-payer dollars went to train him to FLY. I still find it hard to believe the military would notice anything unless it was directly hurting the military itself. Scratch that. I still don't think the military would notice that. Because I prove my point in the points to follow.
6. After being told he might not go to his original squadron, he might go to another, he might stand on his head, oh wait nevermind just kidding he might go to the original etc., he is finally told he will go back to his original squadron so he can fly again. Yay!...right?
7. HA! WRONG. What a joke. Yesterday, John comes home and tells me that he was told he's going back to the squadron in August. But he was chosen for a FAC tour that that squadron had to fulfill. Which means what? Oh yeah. NO FLYING. I honestly didn't think getting a FAC tour was even possible since they normally do not hand them out to people who just finished an IA. But unnamed squadron from hell, you've done it again! This means deploying again, this time on the ground with infantry. Which I have no problem with. I know it'll be hard, will mean much less communication, it'll be something different and I know for sure that John will make the best of it because he has the best attitude of anyone I've ever known. But I also know it means wasted money. Wasted training. And it means this squadron is moronic and has screwed John over TWICE, claiming the reason they "had" to choose him is because he lacks the most quals and isn't as strong in the jet as other Marines. Well aren't we brilliant, idiots? OH REALLY?? If I went 7+ months without doing what I was trained to do and then got bumped into a squadron where I can no longer do what I was trained to do and just when it looks like I'll be able to go back to doing what I was trained to do, I get told I'll be doing yet another 7+ months of doing something other than what I was trained to do, YEAH, I'd probably not be that strong in WHAT I WAS TRAINED TO DO.
I'm not going to blame the Marine Corps on this one. Because the Marine Corps is huge and it honestly can't be blamed for missing a few things (or a lot of things) because how can it truly keep track of what's going on? The squadron, on the other hand, can take FULL blame for this. Not only did they wait until the very last SECOND to choose someone for this FAC tour (just like they waited until the last SECOND to choose John to go to the parent squadron, OH and also waited until the last SECOND to choose him to go on his last deployment...do I see a pattern of lameness here?), we seem to be the last to know of everything that's been going on in John's career. Thanks, but I don't need to hear, "Oh I heard your husband is going to such and such a squadron and doing this. Is that true?" The squadron can and should notice when it's screwing someone over. But I guess that has never stopped it before. I heard all of their lame ass reasons for choosing John over anyone else. I understand them...to a point. I'm not an idiot. But it doesn't take away the fact that you're screwing over one of your own...and it's not the first time! OH no. The SECOND. Technically the THIRD!! I love all of the guys in that squadron. But to those who made that decision: you have NO balls. I took the first screw over with grace. I'll take the second/third one like a champ. You know why? Because someone has to do it and I'm strong enough to. I can't say the same for a lot of people out there (like maybe you). But I know God is bigger than this screw up and something good will come out of it. Unfortunately, that doesn't stop me from thinking you're pathetic.
So there you have it folks. Fun, fun stuff. Pardon all the anger...and stuff. I'm praying God will change my heart through this and not let me grow bitter. It's a period of time where I feel no control. Which I think is the whole point of the matter; I don't need and shouldn't control my life. I need to fully and utterly surrender to God in this or I will not survive.
If you don't like anything that I said, I'm sorry if I offended. But I meant every word.
And now...onto other things.
Photo: Unknown found via 3QuarksDaily


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