
I finally drew. I'll tell you about my weekend later...because there's much to be said...but I finally drew. It's been one of those love/hate things lately. Where I completely and honestly plan and intend on drawing...but things come up. Lots of things. Like malfunctioning hips, road trips, dentist appointments, writing (which is probably the only excuse allowed when avoiding drawing because at least I'm still being creatively productive), etc. And there it is...I really WAS avoiding drawing. Not always but quite a bit of the time. Why? I couldn't even tell you. Maybe because I had a work in progress that was taunting me from the corner (they always taunt...ALWAYS). Maybe it was because stuff has simply been popping up that I had to (or decided to) deal with. Maybe it was because I just have been a complete bum this summer. I'm not sure. But thankfully, I woke up in extreme pain this morning. No, that's not the "thankfully" part. But it played into it. It forced me to stay home and do nothing more than draw. After stretching and stretching and stretching some more, I determined that there was nothing else I could do for the day. My hip/muscle issue has been acting up something fierce. This is probably the most painful it has been. But...I guess it served a good cause in the long run. Okay. So the drawing is one I started a month or two ago. It's of John's morning shave. I believe it was a Saturday. So maybe its title will be "Saturday Shave"...or "Morning Shave." I haven't decided. It's very orange. It doesn't show this in the picture much. This was on purpose. I printed out the photo I planned to copy and it printed VERY orange. Later, I realized the printer needed some adjusting after some other print jobs. But I loved something about the brightness of this one. So I stuck with it and went with the colors that were there. It (obviously) took a long time. TOO long. It shouldn't have. But as previously explained, I've been a bum. That time is over now. Yay for progress! And now for something new...
Photo: Meself and my stuff. Please do not copy.


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