This morning we woke up for the sunrise, something we talked about doing since we arrived.

It worked out nicely with how early we went to bed the night before and we made our way sleepily down to the beach and walked along the water.

Near one of the close by resorts, we saw rose petals on the sand, the obvious remains of a wedding the night before.

The beach and the rising sun were magnificent and it was probably the most peaceful morning I've experienced in awhile.

Last night I dreamed my mom was kidnapped. I was the only one who knew and no one else seemed to care. I received a letter and a video with a cryptic message on it from her. There was a movie reference in it that only I would have understood. Something about it told me she knew she was going to die. It was a horrible, horrible dream as my mom is my best friend. I woke up and wrote to her as soon as I could.
The rest of the day was pretty lazy. We laid out on the beach and made pasta and tuna for dinner. It was random but pretty good. We had been planning to go to the nightclubs one night and decided tonight was the best choice so we did a little pregaming in our room to save on drink costs at the bar and headed down to the Blue Parrot.

I can't tell you how much I LOVE staying in a hotel walking distance from where I go to dance and have a few drinks. It's SO great not having to worry about someone driving you or getting a cab. The club was just barely waking up when we arrived and someone took us to a table near the back. The bar area had swing chairs which were pretty cool (although I thought probably not the best idea when dealing with drunk people). The back of the club opened out to the beach and nightly they put on two fire shows.

We got pretty good seats and the guy that seated us got us drinks. Within a few minutes the fire show started. It was definitely a great show and we ended up staying late enough to watch it a second time.

I wrote down notes of what we did every day this trip so I could remember and blog about it. What I said next was this, and I quote word-for-word: "John was a crazy drunk." No. We didn't get THAT drunk. However, John DID get a little crazy...as I'm sure most Marines do whether or not alcohol is involved. I think he was just excited. I had to stop him multiple times from exposing me to the public (in my skanky dress), from dancing inappropriately and scaring the locals, and from climbing the bar swings like a monkey. I'm telling you, he is part spidermonkey.

After the fire show, we ended up heading to sit at the bar (where the climbing happened). We both went to the bathroom and John got offered weed and heroine (!!HELP!!!) which he declined. We ordered one more drink and went to pay and told the bartender lady about our previous drinks during the fire show. She dismissed us, saying it was different. Er...okay? Then we asked someone else how we could pay for our previous drinks. They shook their head and said it was different than the bar. ?? After more confusion, we ended up walking out of there with 4 free drinks. You can't say we didn't try.

On top of that, when we left they were charging a cover pay to people wanting to get in (it was free when we arrived) and the fire show had been free to watch so you gotta admit we got a good deal on the night. We explored the streets surrounding the area because we were literally in club central.
After enduring as much of the chaos as we cared for, we went back to our room and to sleep.
There's something wonderful about waking up to Starbucks and that's exactly what happened this morning.

John surprised me with Starbucks coffee and took me out to breakfast. Unfortunately, I ended up getting sick from said breakfast. Even looking at it now makes me feel nauseous. Bleh.

Afterward, we went exploring for the post office (so we could mail postcards...which I realized our families still have not received...hmmm...) which meant getting a little further into the main, untouristy part of town. SO much of it reminded me of China. Really, the whole trip did. It made me miss it that much more. And being the language-handicapped person in the group made me really appreciate that John took Spanish in school.
After awhile of walking in the hot sun, I needed to get home because I felt icky. I ended up napping all afternoon and woke up feeling a lot better. We went out briefly to find more milk for cereal and crackers for my tummy.

While out, I got a fresh coconut which was awesome. Made me miss Thailand a lot. I drank the coconut milk and then the boy who sold it to me chopped it open and scooped the coconut flesh into a little bag for me. It was actually pretty soothing for my stomach. That night, we went to a fancy restaurant John had been meaning to try that he had read a lot about online. It had a lot of authentic Mayan recipes and just overall fabulous food. After getting seated outside, we had to move inside because of a sudden down pour. Our food was great. But my favorite thing there was the chips and salsa they provided. The chips were sprinkled with chili powder and other spices and were thicker than most chips. The salsa was actually three different kinds of "dips." One was made from habanero peppers and was very hot but delicious. Another was like a creamy garlic sauce and the third was mashed pumpkin seeds that was the closest thing to actual traditional salsa. Combining the different sauces was SO tasty. That could have been my entire meal.

John got a crazy drink while we were there that the waiter lit on fire and suctioned to his hand. I know...very strange but cool. We got dessert and then headed home where John began feeling sick too.

He went to sleep and felt like he had a fever (I could also tell because he pulled the covers over him...something he NEVER does being that he's ALWAYS warm while I'm ALWAYS cold). He woke up several hours later and I was still up watching stupid TV shows. We talked a little and then both went to sleep.
To be continued...