In a word...FUGLY.

I'm kind of baffled by this whole ugly Christmas sweater thing. Because I have literally been looking for a good ugly Christmas sweater for the past two years...and have not had any luck!! My theme for both last year and this year seems to be "ill-fitting ugly sweaters of the most obscure shape possible." But both times they have not been true CHRISTMAS sweaters. Which can be remedied with hideous pins and such but STILL. One of these days...I want to find an epic Christmas sweater of DOOM. I almost found something just as good. It was a t-shirt that said "All I got for Christmas is this fugly Christmas sweater." Now that's classic right there. But of course they didn't have my size. :( I would have thought if any place had ugly sweaters it would be the Good Will...and I was right...they just didn't have any Christmas sweaters. Sigh...I ended up getting my obscure sweater on clearance at Target. I am still trying to figure out what the heck is going on here with the one I got. As you may know, I loathe sweaters. I don't actually loathe the way they look. I just loathe how they feel. It's weird, I know. I'm sure I've blogged about it at some here. And here. Basically, my sweater last year and this year just make no wearable sense. Here's last years:

Two strange things: Firstly, I've been wearing said strange sweater for the past two hours...and despite being ridonculous, it is quite comfortable. What's happening to me??? Secondly...I officially like Dunkin Donuts coffee. Again...WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME??? I used to gag at the mere THOUGHT of Dunkin Donuts coffee!! It's the's penetrating my very soul and changing all the things I hold dear!!! AHHHH!!!
Photo: Meself, Meself, and Unknown found via