It is almost Thanksgiving. My second without my immediate family and John. My first with his parents and sister! I'm excited to spend it with them and also to have a big fat BREAK from school. I'm dying here. No...that's not true. LAST WEEK I was dying here. This week is off to a good start. And it helps that it's over tomorrow. Then off to Virginia I go! Which is the tricky part. You see, I've never driven up there on my own before and it's quite the drive (or so I remember being in the passenger seat)...and so it's definitely going to be a new experience. I'm feeling much less stressed about it than I know I would have been if I had done this LAST year. I figure "Eh, what's the worst that could happen (knock on wood)?? I bust a tire and stay in a motel. Big deal." Even if I got lost, I'd get their eventually or turn around and head home. All in all, I'm just excited for a break. From everything in my world of "norm" as of late. What's that? You want to know my favorite part of Thanksgiving? Pumpkin pie. Just give me pumpkin pie and leave me in a corner and I'll be good to go. Yeah sure turkey and stuffing and green beans and this amazing pink fluffy stuff that miraculously appears on the table at my aunt's house in large quantities would be great too. And some cranberry sauce. But...if I had to choose, it would be pumpkin pie every time. Every. Time. I wonder whoever thought of making pumpkin pie. It is kind of a weird idea if you really think about it. But how I bless and kiss the ground that person walks on for thinking of it. Muah muah.
Speaking of pie...
here you go. And you're welcome. Annnnnnnd
here. You're welcome again.