Invalid Update
George is home...and healing. He seems to be completely unaware he had surgery...aside from the fact he has to wear a cone and can't itch his very itchy stitches (say that 5 times fast). He is only allowed to eat a teaspoon of food every 4-6 hours followed by antibiotics, pain meds, and ear meds for his infection in his ear. It seems like a never ending cycle of issues with George but hopefully...once he heals from all this, he'll be as good as new. I hope. We hope.
He is not the happiest of campers for one reason: he has to be confined to the guest bathroom for 10-14 days. No playing. No jumping. No running. Thankfully he gets to start normal food tomorrow. But the bathroom is what's driving him the craziest. He does a lot of crying and a lot of complaining. I try to bring him out as much as I can but having him around Bean TOO much spells trouble. She definitely makes him hyper and want to play. Poor baby.
My favorite thing about taking him out is the way he walks with the cone on. He kinda bobbly bob's his head with each step. I think it's because it pushes against his ears (look above) and makes him feel inclined to do so. I had him out a few minutes ago and he laid down next to my head, purring and kneaded his paws into my hair while nibbling it, something he's done since he was VERY tiny. I can't wait until he's all healed up and allowed to play again. Believe me, George. This hurts me much more than it hurts you. Breaks my heart. :(
He is not the happiest of campers for one reason: he has to be confined to the guest bathroom for 10-14 days. No playing. No jumping. No running. Thankfully he gets to start normal food tomorrow. But the bathroom is what's driving him the craziest. He does a lot of crying and a lot of complaining. I try to bring him out as much as I can but having him around Bean TOO much spells trouble. She definitely makes him hyper and want to play. Poor baby.
My favorite thing about taking him out is the way he walks with the cone on. He kinda bobbly bob's his head with each step. I think it's because it pushes against his ears (look above) and makes him feel inclined to do so. I had him out a few minutes ago and he laid down next to my head, purring and kneaded his paws into my hair while nibbling it, something he's done since he was VERY tiny. I can't wait until he's all healed up and allowed to play again. Believe me, George. This hurts me much more than it hurts you. Breaks my heart. :(