The Death that is Apple

Okay. Let me clarify. It's not EVERYTHING Apple. But it is known that Apple and I do not get along and it is not because of a biased opinion. I simply do not mesh with Apple. I'm very tech savvy (and maybe that's my whole problem) but something always seems to go wrong when I use Apple applications, computers, whatever. And it's not user error. It's usually like...omg, everything just randomly crashed and all I did was hit play. It's like I'm a walking Apple virus. Mwahahaha...
Over the past day or so I've been trying to download 3 albums that make up 28 tracks. iTunes has crashed over half a dozen times and so I'm assuming as a result of those crashes, only 13 tracks have been downloaded. But iTunes seems to believe that all 28 tracks have been downloaded since they were paid for. I check to see what incomplete downloads I have and it says happily that I've downloaded all my purchases. Which I haven't. Unless you're really awful at math, I still have 15 unaccounted for tracks floating out in the cosmos of iTunes' death realm. I've checked my library. Nada. I've checked my account. Nada. I've checked my shopping cart. Nada. And so the battle continues. I haven't figured out this whole iTunes thing nor do I wish to if it includes rebooting, restarting, ctr alt deleting and swearing for hours on end. I'm not discouraging anyone from using Apple. Get an Apple and use iTunes by all means if it works for you. But it doesn't for me, never has, and sadly looks like it never will. But as I said before...I am an Apple Nemesis by nature. I didn't choose to be this way. I was chosen. So beware...and stay far, far away. I might scramble your iPod with the quickest glance.


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