This is my 601st post. Blogger told me so. Although it's not entirely clear if drafts count toward that grand total. And I do have a few drafts lingering in the jumble of things that someday might see the light of day. But we'll see. Either way...anything close to 600 posts is fine by me. Beyond fine. Impressive. Dumb-founding. Proof that I can write and I can write a lot. Even if it's all nonsense.
Today is the 4th of July.
Friday we went and saw Avatar: The Last Airbender. It was good...I'll leave it at that for now. It was not all it could have been but it wasn't horrible either. It was undeniably beautiful graphics-wise as all M. Night Shyamalan movies are. I am not sure if it will win people over enough to grant a sequel. We shall see...but I did enjoy it. Holds NO candle to the cartoon series though.
After Avatar, I forced (hehe) John to watch New Moon from the Twilight series.
Saturday we slept in and then after making a cheesecake with blueberries on top, we headed over to our friend's house for a 3rd of July celebration of great magnitude. There were at least 60 people there and food for miles, namely pulled pork and awesome BBQ chicken. It was just one of those good nights where you enjoy everyone's company and there's no drama and only laughs. I ate too much, drank a bit, and smoked a cigar with the boys. I was a complete girl-ditcher and it was much needed and fun. I miss hanging out with the guys sometimes. And it gets frustrating when all these new guys come to the squadron and they don't know that I'm cool and I hangout and can hold my own. It was nice to just chill and enjoy everyone's company, meet a few new people, say goodbye to a few old.
Today, I woke up to a lovely blueberry pancake breakfast from John (he loves spoiling me with breakfasts of doooom) after sleeping in. Later today we are going into town for New Bern's 300th birthday 4th of July celebration. I'm not entirely sure what it will entail...but it'll be fun and most everyone else we know around here will be going as well.
In the meantime, I am applying for scholarships and find myself suffering from writer's block when it comes to the essay portion. DOH. "Why do you deserve this scholarship?" Heck...I don't know! Because I need money? Andddd...stuff? I'm just ready for this month to be over and have some down time. But for now...I'm enjoying a holiday. And thankful for all the people who have given their time and lives to provide the freedom that this country definitely takes for granted. I salute you, Captain, my Captain.
Photo: Unknown found via Chisme Time


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