The Seals Are Coming...
I dreamed I was pregnant and giving birth and my nurse was my cousin Madeline (who happens to be studying to be a nurse so that's not too strange!...but just wait). She gave me a shot and I was in so much pain and delirious that I grabbed the syringe and stabbed her in the knee. My other cousin, Madeline's sister Meredith, was also pregnant in the dream and Madeline delivered the baby using a new form of c-section that took the baby out through the neck...and this all seemed perfectly normal and feasible in the dream. This all took place at an aquarium. And a bunch of seals and animals were on the loose. And a bunch of kids were visiting the aquarium. But it was after hours. So I was concerned that there was no one there to watch the kids with the seals on the rampage. And then Meredith was also going to be playing the virgin Mary in a Nativity play. This was all going to take place at the a tank. I asked her if she was playing the Queen Mother and then I was like, "Oh wait, that's not would be the Queen Mary...right?" Meanwhile, I was trying to get to the tank they were "practicing" in for the play but it was very difficult to get to without snorkel or scuba gear. And what happened to our babies, you might ask? No idea. Ah my dreams...I should write a book of them. Nothing like strangeness to start your day!