Return of Robots

I've had it! I've had my break. Now I'm back at making robots. You may have forgotten I ever made them since it's been so long. Or you may have begun reading after I had stopped making them and still don't know of their existence. Whatever the case...they're back. Am I going to use my Pretty Much LiQi Designs blog again? No. That is a firm NO. I have too many things to juggle. Another blog is not going to be one of them. So expect any and all news on Baby Robots to occur here.
I'm in the process of making more Baby Robots. I gave a lot of them away as Christmas presents this past Christmas in Washington (and they were a big hit...hint should buy some for gifts when I've made more!...hint hint). I was sure I had some left over but have yet to find any so it's back to the drawing board I go. This time around I've noticed a few things:
A. The creation process seems to be going a lot faster. Which is a HUGE, HUGE deal. Big plus!
B. I am finding myself edging outside the box and testing out some new designs. So expect some newness around here relating to Baby Robots soon.
C. I'm coming up with tricks to save time...and I'm in the process of figuring out what exactly is spent on supplies for each robot so I have a better idea of WHAT to charge.
So yeah...those are all good things. Yay for good things! So...if you haven't, go to my Etsy Shop on the right (click the cute robot picture!). I've also just started a business page for Pretty Much LiQi Designs on facebook! So you should go and like it.
So stay tuned for funness right around the corner! Yay!!


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