
I have a handful (or two) of exceptionally talented friends. And I do mean exceptionally. I've lost regular touch with some of them along the way but we're the type where if either party needed somewhere to stay, you could bet your hiney that we'd have each others' backs in a wink.
One of my exceptionally talented friends just released his first CD. It arrived in the mail on Friday. I opened it, listened to it from beginning to end, paused to congratulate him on facebook, and then listened to it from beginning to end another two times (or more). This friend's name is Jesse Snyder and you should check out his website. Like now. The do I even begin? I keep stopping myself and thinking...maybe it's just because I know him. Is it just great because I know him? Sometimes your pride for friend's accomplishments overshadows your taste and you are unable to see the true quality of their product, their art. But after watching John's reaction to the CD, I know this is not the case. Jesse is just one of those exceptionally talented individuals. And his little CD is a gem.
I've known Jesse since...5th grade? Something in that vicinity. His sister, Jenna, is my best friend and for a period, Jesse and I were inseparable too; partners in crime, if you will...if that's possible in 8th grade. We didn't keep in as good touch after highschool as we should have but have always stayed close and pretty much pick up where we left off every time we see each other. He feels like a brother...and in a way, I think he is one.
Seeing Jesse make this accomplishment makes me so proud. And I can't lie, a little jealous. ;) But more proud than anything else. I'm so excited to see what's next for this kid, what God has planned, and where he's going to take him. With amazing humility and grace, I am pretty sure the sky is the limit. yourself a favor. Drop what you're doing. Go to his website. Order the CD. And enjoy. This CD is a cross-section of Jesse; it's diverse in style, deep in emotion, and heartfelt. And it's way too professionally executed and beautifully mastered to be done by "my best friend's little brother." But it was. And I'm confident it's also just the beginning of lots of great musical things to come from this man.


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