These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things...

Today is my last day in the office before I return to Washington. It's definitely bittersweet. I'm excited because the sooner I leave, the sooner John comes home. But I'm sad because...well...I'm leaving and I love being in the office again. I was SO stoked to be able to sit at my old desk again and have my own window and my old chair and just go back into my little office mold. There's something extremely homey about this office and working with my friends again. And they truly are my friendzies. We are just a big fat family here and I love it. I love the sound of everyone playing Foosball in the main room (brutal), the crazy chatter at lunch where you always hear the tail end of a story and find yourself entirely confused and wondering whether you really want to know the WHOLE story or not (hehe), the bouncy farty noise of everyone sitting on their workout balls that replaced most chairs in the office...the occasional wizzzz of someone scootering through the office on a Razor. Ahhh...good ol' I miss this. But I also miss new home in North Carolina. I'm so thankful I was able to come back for Christmas and have this time with my peeps. Keep bringing the love on IM, guysch. I love you all! (Full blog about the christmas party to come...winkwink nudgenudge)


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