John Mayer, Old Friend...

WOAH! Where have I been that I never noticed John Mayer got a tattoo sleeve?? Since we're friends and all. but really. I was just really surprised when I saw his sleeve in a photo on Pandora. (Yes, Pandora and I are speaking again. We had a silent period there when it kept trying to convince me I liked 1. disco 2. trance and 3. other music that I do not like and I've told it I don't like. Get with it Pandora. Well apparently, it has.) The image above is actually before he got his sleeve. But I still like what he had before and now after. Ahhh tattoos.
Mine is healing up well. Although it seems to be taking forever. It didn't really scab over all that much like I was expecting. My previous tattoos did. It's still a little tender but getting close to being normal again. I ♥ it.
I sort of feel like someone slipped some NyQuil into my tea today. Not good. The weirdo sick/cold thing is still around but I'm fighting it pretty well. If I don't say so myself.
I've been really enjoying entering giveaways from Sew, Mama Sew's giveaway day. It continues until the 6th so I'm hoping to win SOMETHING. If not, it's still just fun to see some new vendors and make some new friends. If you haven't checked out my giveaway, click here.


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