Spoilment...in more ways than one...

1. It's Christmas. Nuff said.
2. I'm in Washington visiting! And if you know anything about visiting, it means running around helter skelter ("when I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide") trying to see everyone at once. And usually failing or growing increasingly annoyed in the process, completely defeating the purpose.
3. Getting sick totally contributes to this annoyance.
4. Throw in a family feud, flaky friends (if you think, I'm talking about you, believe me I'm NOT...it was someone else. Truly. You were all great. :) ), more sick family members, and all the things I want to do before I leave but know there isn't enough time to do them all and you have my Washington visit.
Oh yeah and...
5. Many people seem to believe I'm on this big fabulous vacation while here. I'm not. I work from home...which means when I COME home, I work from the office. So the past two weeks have been no different than normal. I'm still working 40 hours a week. Only this time I'm totally having a blast because I'm in the office with all my peeps. Holla. Yo.
So there you have a quick summary of my absense. I've had a wonderful time (despite being sick and the family feud) and am almost tempted to extend my stay a bit. But I know it would be both costly and complicated as I have plans RIGHT when I get back to New Bern. So...I know I need to just deal and get on that plane early early early Wednesday morning.
I had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my family and relatives. We always have Christmas Eve as just our intermediate family and then Christmas Day is with my grandma and relatives (whoever happens to be around). I was surprised with a call at the tail end of dinner on Christmas Eve and then again on Christmas Day. He had to fly both days (nights) but made the time to call anyway which meant a lot to me and to my family. He also thoroughly spoiled me for Christmas and I was a little embarrassed to find half of what was under the tree was for me. It became a kind of running joke that I'd have to start opening my presents the night before Christmas Eve to finish in time. As it turned out, it was just fine. He got me a Turkish puzzle box that has a trick to open it. And it's flipping awesome. He also got me some charms from Qatar and some other things...but spoilment ensued for sure. We'll just say I'm happy. I didn't need all that but I'm just happy. And happy knowing he will be home sooner than I realize. I hope your Christmas was full of happiness, lots of laughs and hopefully no sickness (or family feuds). *winky*