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Lack of Control
Recently I switched birth controls because my previous one that I was prescribed to improve my skin was not doing well with me. Or I should say I wasn't doing well with it. I started a new one this past week...and my period started Sunday. TWO WEEKS early. I'm extremely annoyed. And to top it all off...overlapping birth controls has made my stress with wedding planning, future moving, etc. seem almost if not completely unbearable. Moral of the story: I hate pills. I hate birth control, I hate antidepressants, I hate pills that mess with me emotionally in my head. Not a fan. I'm hoping this will straighten out...but the whipped cream and cherry on top of this whole I counted ahead and if my body sticks with this current whacked period will start ON my wedding day or the day after. Which isn't ok. Ever. Never ever. So...heads will roll if I can't get this resolved. Beware Nurse from Hell. I'm bringing holy water and a silver steak...