Beautiful Dreamer

A long time ago I had a dream that I had 2 daughters and was in labor with the third but had no idea what I was going to name her. I didn't know who the father was of any of my girls. I felt like the worst mother to not have even thought about what to name here and here I was giving birth.
And then suddenly it struck me. "Esperanza." It just popped in my head. I have no idea where it came from. And Esperanza means "hope." And it just struck me a few minutes ago how profound that is. Being in an extremely stressful situation and panicking about something I can't change...and then suddenly...there it is...hope.
While this is NOT a round about way of saying I'm preggers (dream on people) just really made me think...and think some more. Hope. How people of my generation lack hope. And faith...and grace. And love. Real love.
I don't really get into the meanings of dreams...since I have some pretty crazy ones (and if I went by what they are "supposed to mean," I'm probably screwed)...but I'll take this one as just a reminder to have hope when I'm discouraged. I especially see it as being special since I dreamt it years ago and I still remember it so clearly. So...
Have hope.