Sleepless in Sickville
To sick or not to sick. THAT is the question. Believe you me. It seems to me if I stop feeling sick from pregnancy, it's only natural I actually get sick. Ha. Thankfully, it's not that bad. Just a cold.
I decided to be nice and post a finished pic of my project-o-doom as well as the latest stages of my latest painting in painting class. Today was one of those days where I felt quite accomplished in class. Even if not that much ground was covered. It was still a nice day. And it's nice to have nice days.
I now cannot sleep. It began with some burpees. Yes. Burpees. I decided to do some before bed. So I did.
Then I laid down and felt like vomiting. Niiiiiice. Then I ate a snack followed by a morning sickness lollipop (which surprisingly works). It worked. And here I am. Fine but unable to sleep. Maybe it was the snack.
I've begun to write again. Slowly. I guess I never stopped but I find it easier to write these days on trips. I'm trying to make it a part of my routine. And lastly, I got my first real commission to draw. It's going to be good. But you'll have to wait to see it finished.
Off to dreamland...I hope.
Photos: Meself