Phoget about it...

I've been struck by the pho-ver. A friend just discovered pho (you know...vietnamese noodles of DOOM...the best kind of doom) and posted about it on facebook. Which caused ME to think about pho...and realize...I WANT IT. And of course there's no where around here that serves it. THAT I KNOW OF. So tomorrow, my mission other than getting over this cold, cleaning my house, and preparing for a halloween party that so far very few are coming to (this might be hilarious), is to find a place that serves pho...and go there...and eat it. So far, I found ONE place that sounded promising and it's very close by. I generally avoid Asian restaurants in the south because 9 times out of 10 they are not authentic. No real shocker there. But I always forget about Vietnamese places and honestly...I believe there is a larger Vietnamese population here than I realized (nail places? hello?), sooooo...I'm praying there is one. If not...I might be forced to drive long distances for some somewhere else.
Mmmm...just look at that. How can you turn that down? It's just pure goodness in a bowl. For all to enjoy. ALL, I say. The last time I had pho was in Williamsburg. John took me to Water Country USA and the night we arrived, we scrounged around for dinner and passed a little Asian place that was almost empty. We instantly knew pho was on the menu...quite literally. Pun intended. It was delicious and I remember not even being all that hungry but I ate as much as I could. that I think about it, I think JOHN got the pho and I got something really similar but without the broth. Either way...noodles = awesome. And I miss them. If I fail in all of my attempts to find a pho place...I'll just have to make it myself. The real question is...will I be able to SLEEP until I have some wonderful noodles? And the answer is most likely no.
In other news...I gave my sexy skinny jeans one of their final test runs before I deem them too small. They're still okay...but pretty soon in a few months they are going to be WAY too skinny. Thankfully, I have only gained about 3 or 4 pounds. Soooo if I can keep that consistent through the rest of the pregnancy (3 or 4 in the 2nd trimester, 3 or 4 in the 3rd), I'll be good to go! that's going to happen. In my defense...I think I'm doing pretty good. This whole eating thing is a whole different animal once you're actually pregnant. You make this nice little plan and it looks are nice and realistic on paper. Then you actually get pregnant and BAM you are literally eating granola bars in the cupboard that have been there for you don't know how long because they're the only thing in the house to eat...because you ate everything else. And then the thought of going to the gym is exhausting.'s gotten a lot better. My eating has calmed down (but most veteran mothers laugh and say I'm just going to get hungrier in about....NOW) and the gym has been a lot more manageable. Now, if I could just get over being sick...we'd be good to go. Now if I could just get some noodles...
Photo: Unknown found via Lotussia


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