A Venty Blog

Yes. You've been warned.
So...I'm in choir at school. And we are being used to be the chorus for the play that the school is putting on. From day one, we were told "Our priority is our own performances. If this gets too overwhelming helping them out, we'll drop it." Cool, right? WRONG-O. It has turned into highschool musical HELL. We are suddenly being treated like dancers...which...okay, a little choreography I can handle but when it's so much that you can barely sing? And the REASON they got the choir to help in the first place is because the cast is um DANCING SO HARD THEY CAN BARELY SING?? Yeah. Not pleased. Just when I thought things were heading down hell river on a flimsy melting plastic raft, it got semi worse. They told us they were "toning down" the dances. Which they did for two numbers. But the third is suddenly INSANE and everything they said they'd cut is now back in commission. So where'd the singing go? Wherever the rest of my energy went. And TALKING through a dance does not teach me anything. Let's run it through 80 billion times and slow it down until we get every move...not ASSUME that everyone has got it while the rest of us are floundering in the corners. Did I mention this is the SECOND time we've even done this dance and the play is in a week? DID I??? It took a lot of will power not to destroy some school property today. I wanted to kick in that venting machine SO BAD. But I didn't. Yay for me.
Anyway...moral of the story...singers are in choirs. Actors are in drama. If I wanted to be in a play, I would have tried out or become a theatre major. Capiche?
And this is all on top of the homework and the house that is a wreck. Every time I clean one area up, another gets bombed. Can you say stressed?


Kaley said…
Hope you're week ended a little better...or at least that you get a nice weekend to relax a little?

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