Deployment Loneliness

So I decided I'm not done blogging for the night. And the reason is loneliness. I'm lonely. And when I'm lonely, I want to eat. So trying to avoid that since I'm not really hungry and it's just something to do with my hands. And mouth. I feel myself getting more and more lonely the longer John is gone. And probably right before he gets back, I'll get into my Super Deployment Mode where I can withstand entire months, even years alone with a single bound. That happened last time and it took a lot of effort to shake myself out of it and convince myself he really WAS coming home, and quickly. Once I saw him, everything was fine. But I am more familiar with my deployment cycle (sounds like a period...I assure your it's not at all like a period...well...besides the pain, moodiness, and fits of rage, it's nothing at all like a period...okay it's like a period) and I must go through a lonely desert before I reach the Super Deployment Mode where another 6 months couldn't phase me because I'm SUPERwife. Ehem. Course if another 6 months were really thrown at me I'd probably rip someone's arm off and beat the military with it. But anyway...back to the point. I've been lonely.
It probably doesn't help that I've been watching romantic movies. Jane Austen is the worst/best. She's entirely a genius, yet she makes me feel so terrible since I can't be around the person I love the most. I finished my first Austen book this year ("Pride and Prejudice") and just finished watching a newer adaption of "Emma." I think I need to put Jane Austen on my Netflix ban-list until John is home. Netflix has again become my best friend this deployment. I am in a constant state of Netflix-movie-watching. And it's marvelous. Unless I have too much homework to watch or it's too late. Then it makes me sad.
I am getting back into coffee. The thought that I was out of coffee is so strange to me, being the person I am who has always adored coffee ever since I was very, very young. I figured out the reason I was not enjoying coffee the past 6 or so months aside from the fact that North Carolina over-syrups their coffee is I was buying coffee that was too mild a blend. I got some darker stuff and quite enjoyed it this morning. And so it continues.
I feel like I need to say something substantial that means something...but I don't have much to say...other than...see The King's Speech. It's freaking amazing.
Photo: Unknown found via Quiet Lunch


Kaley said…
Once again I find our lives matching up... not on the deployment side of things, however. Since we're in different time zones and I happen to be three hours behind you, I would like to extend my invitation to chat if you ever need to talk late at night. I'm typically on my computer pretty late at night, so just fb me and I'll log on. Or AIM or whatever... :)

Oh, on to the similarities in which our lives seem to follow: I watched Emma on Netflix two nights ago. Seriously. And yes, I feel I need to ban some of the more romantical dramas off my watch list until I feel better about my singleness. Got any good Non-romance movies to recommend on Netflix?

Also, I started drinking coffee at a very young age too! And I do go through periods of time where I'm happy without it, but for the most part? I'm an addict. I love the taste, the smell, and probably most importantly, I love the procedure- which sounds weird- but I love finding new and interesting ways of getting flavor out of freshly ground coffee beans. It's like science, but science I can drink and enjoy! :)

Happy drinking! –– coffee drinking that is...
That's very sweet of you. I'd love to chat sometime. Do you by chance have a gmail account and use google chat? That's usually what I'm on.
And oddly enough, I adore coffee and just being in places that make coffee...yet I know very little about making it. It's kind of embarrassing considering my level of coffee snobbery. So maybe you should teach me a thing or two so I can up my game.

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