A Post Full of Secrets

I try to read PostSecret every week. And every week I want to send in a new secret. I never do but I always have the urge. I don't know why I love reading it so much. Sometimes the secrets give me hope...other times they almost make me cry. It's just such a fascinating experiment.
So I'll share a few random secrets here:
Secret #1: I've sent two secrets into PostSecret. They have not been shown on the site...yet.
Secret #2: One of them wasn't a secret at all. Just something I wanted to shout from the rooftops.
Secret #3: The other one is now mostly obsolete. But it resurfaces from time to time.
Secret #4: I've always been really terrible at grammar. I'm a good writer but when it comes to being grammatically correct and right by English language standards, I am SO clueless. I also have a limited vocabulary. I use dictionary.com on an almost daily basis just to look up meanings of words. I used to find it kind of embarrassing...but it's also just kind of me. I remember struggling with grammar when I was very small when I was first learning it. I remember my mom using flash cards that you put in the right grammatical order for learning purposes. And I remember thinking..."Who gives a rat's ass?" but not in those exact words. I think what's more important is that I write and enjoy writing. When I'm finished, I can edit. Piece a' cake. And I've been doing that ever since.
Secret #4.5: I did not struggle with spelling in English until I LEFT China. Before I had no issues. Figure that one out.
Secret #5: I am quite shy and a true introvert. Most everyone I know these days would NEVER guess.
Photo: Unknown found via Vintage Secret


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