Back to School
Tomorrow is the day. Classes start. I have a short day of classes, luckily. And I truly am starting to believe it'll be a fun time. But I still can't shake the nerves. In fact, I had trouble sleeping over the weekend because of it.
John and I went up to Virginia to visit John's parents. It was great to just relax at their house and spend time with them out and about. I haven't been sure how I feel about the idea of living in Virginia if the military ever took us up there...but the more time I spend there, the more I feel myself warming up to the place.
We spent a day at Harper's Ferry and enjoyed exploring the old town where John Brown raided a federal armory to attempt to lead a slave revolt...and yes...I did just ask John to tell me why Harper's Ferry was famous again (he quoted the above text which I quickly copied down) and I'm sure he'll probably burst with a tangent about it anyyyyy second now. Any second...
Why did I choose this photo? keeps my mind off of tomorrow...even if just for a second. It makes my mind wander to green fields and big dresses and endless books. And of classes. One of the biggest pluses that could exist: John is off this week and next. Which means...he will be here to encourage me, even meet me for lunch, and pick me up after school (do I sound seven years old yet?) which I'm very, very thankful for. My previous school experience was not exactly the best. Here's to turning over a new page.
Photo: Unknown found via Let them eat cake!