Kitteh Poo Poo

A quick rant:
I am in search of the world's perfect litter box. I am almost 98% convinced it does not exist. But I'm still looking. I was pretty happy with our cat set-up for quite some time. But lately SOMEBODY (*cough* GEORGE *cough*) seems to think it's fine to go where you're not supposed to such a way that is almost impossible to clean up (I'm keeping it vague because after reading so many GRAPHIC litter box reviews on the internet...I'm pretty grossed out and do not wish to gross my own friends/readers out by describing in vivid detail the going-on's of my pet's bathroom time) I am in search of a change. But everything out there seems to SUCK. And I'm quite tired of this search. I've had cats since I was quite young...this has always been an issue. It makes me wonder...have we, human beings, really lived with domesticated cats THIS long and STILL have no REAL solution to the problem? I mean not every cat can be an outdoor cat. So what do people DO? Any suggestions? My current set-up is a litter pan inside a piece of furniture designed to "hide" the litter pan. I'm thinking now I need a litter box with an actual attached cover to Desperate times call for desperate measures. Or maybe just desperate times create desperate people for a really awesome litter box. That works. Please?
Photo: Unknown found via Kungmaru-web


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