He grunted...as she bit her lip...

It's Saturday. And John has to work. But I can make the best of it.
I finished The Host by Stephenie Meyer late last night. I liked it. But I'm definitely disappointed in some aspects too. Like the fact that almost everything about the book was a mirror of the Twilight novels...not meaning The Host was about vampires...but meaning that the main characters and their interactions were paralleled. Picture it with me: Timid, weak girl is fought over by two hot guys and can't really even decide until near the end of the book. One word: YAWN. Half way through I wanted to punt the main three characters across a parking lot. Stephenie has this horrible habit of repeating herself...over...and over...and over...and over again. It's not a character trademark. It's repeating. Sorry. In Twilight, there were a few but the one that grated my nerves the most was "Bella bit her lip." HOW many times does she have to bite her darn lip?? And can't you say it in ANY other way that would make it sound differently so I don't feel like I'm reading the same sentence every other page for the 400th time?? In this one, every hot, strong guy "grunted" and "growled." And if I hear ONE more "grunt" or "growl" comparison, I just might hurl. GAG.
So negativity aside. I did like the book. I wasn't so sure until half way through. And then it did get more interesting. It definitely kept you curious and interested even if you weren't immediately connected to the main characters. I enjoyed some of the characters and the overall concept was creative and original. I only wish I had thought of it. My favorite thing about it...hmm...it's hard to say. But I do enjoy Stephenie's ability to paint a picture of a location. I pictured the settings of each chapter very clearly with her descriptions. I enjoyed her creations of concepts within this world of survival. I think that's something she's good at...creating something from nothing; coming up with concepts that sound like they weren't made-up at all.
Would I read it again? Hmmm...I think I would! It was long but it went fast...as most of her books do. Would I recommend it? Not without due warnings. But to any Stephenie Meyer fan, yes. I think they'd enjoy it. Why did I choose that photo? Because that pose is obnoxious. Especially in heels.
Photo: Unknown found via Cracked.com


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