For a long time, I avoided doing things. And I fooled myself into thinking by not choosing to do something, I wasn't doing anything; there was no loss involved. But I realized today that that is not true. By not choosing to do something, I'm inadvertently choosing to do nothing. Which is the worst thing I can possibly do. I am essentially choosing to waste my time, waste my life, waste my energy on meaninglessness. I think in some weird way I thought that I could blame my lack of initiation on the fact that my life is at a cross-roads and a stand-still where I cannot make any plans. I just have to wait for the future. But does that give me the right to call THIS period of time right here a waste of time? That isn't okay with me. Not in the least. I'm done with this. Done with fooling myself. Done with laziness. I MUST create. Starting now.
Photo: Reed Ingram Weir found via Flickr