Military Rant

So I thought I was done complaining...I'm not.
I figured out what I couldn't figure out before for I uninstalled what I had before. I found the right software and program and reinstalled it, selecting my mp3 player so it would be able to seamlessly transfer the content onto it, thus making my hour and a half on this wretched computer not a complete waste because content on mp3 player means gym time. I linked the device. I hit transfer. And.....?...fatal error. Hm. I REdownloaded the books and waited patiently. Maybe something was wrong with the original file, right? I linked the device. Again. Device not found. Device busy. Unlink. Link. Unlink. Link. Unlink. etc. Transfer. Fatal error.
See...and what all of this comes down to is the military. It's the MILITARY'S FAULT that is today's thorn in my side (aside from the actual pinched nerve). It's the MILITARY'S FAULT half of the time I end up with triple the stress for no reason. It's the MILITARY's FAULT I started getting gray hairs at the age of 23 because that was the year the MILITARY became a part of my life. And I will tell you why it is its fault. The military gives discounts to people in the military. Yippee, you may think? Hell no. Because those discounts are only used with stupid companies that are unreliable. Maybe is just having a bad day but there have been other situations. FTD floral sites? There's a reason we avoided them with a ten, nay, twenty foot pole when looking for florists when I worked at Sure, so the military gives you a nice 15 or 20% discount. But at what cost? The flowers you're sending are going to be A. Not what you ordered B. Slightly damaged C. LATE D. LOST or E. ALL OF THE ABOVE. I am speaking from real life personal experiences. And wouldn't you rather pay that extra 15 to 20% if it meant a reliable company with a good reputation and service that's not the bare minimum? Then there's Audible that doesn't allow you to download the book as a simple audio file that you can drag and drop into your device. Oh no. You have to have THEIR software. THEIR software that's from the stone ages. I'm just tired of these sites or programs that make a seemingly and normally simple process SO FLIPPING COMPLICATED for NO apparent gain or reason. Is it making life simpler? No. Is it providing a better quality audio file? No. Then surely all of this CRAP is due to their concern for protecting your information and identity? YeahhhhNO.
So now that I have wasted a full hour and forty minutes on this computer, I'm going to get up and limp to the other room and do something else because if I look at this screen for one more second, I just might...I don't even know what I just might.
(Note: I'm not really blaming the military. A crappy, annoying company is a crappy, annoying company. I just wish the military hadn't lead me to partaking in supporting said companies. There is some sarcasm in there if you didn't already hear it. So don't go all crazy on me for having a crappy morning and blaming it on my husband's employer. WHY did I decide to stay up instead of going back to sleep this morning again? Hm.)


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