Mexican Dracula
I have collagen in my lips. No. Not really. But I imagine it feels similar. I woke up with swollen lips. Why? I have no idea. Maybe a mosquito bite (that's happened before), maybe an allergic reaction. Maybe my cat licking my face last night caused a weird after-effect. I don't know. But it's been several hours and it still hasn't gone away. Odd. So I guess today I'll just have to pretend like I'm the sort of person who would have collagen in their lips. Like like omg totally.
With the onslaught of summer, I have felt this severe urge to read something. I've been avoiding reading for fun this entire past year for the simple fact that I had SO many things to read for school. So now that I'm officially school-less, I feel my inner-self saying "READ!!!!!!!!!!!" I am a picky reader. I like fantasy but it can't be too fantasy-y. I like sci-fi but it can't be too sci-fi-ish. So basically if the book begins with something like, "Marione was never good with animals. But with her new pet dragon Orgi and with the help of her fairy friend Musha, little Orgi was beginning to fly like the champion dragon he was. The space dragon racing federation was beginning in just 3 short months and in order to compete in the magical tournament of mushrooms, Orgi had to be fully shampooed and..." AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just can't handle it. I can't even really explain what I like reading. (And no, I can't explain where the heck that just came from. Can't.) I just know I like some series and others I can't stomach. And I also go through phases. Right now, I can't handle anything too fantasy-ish. But considering I just started reading Dracula, some might categorize that as fantasy to some degree. Horror fantasy? So you see what I mean? Confusing. Anyway...I just started Dracula last night. I met up with my old friend Cait last night whom I've known since....ever? We perused around Barnes and Noble since that is what we did last time we met up and we both love writing and books. While perusing, I mentioned needing a book and we ran across Dracula. She said I had to buy it and start reading at once. And considering she was the one who encouraged me to read Pride and Prejudice, I trust her taste in books thus far. I am excited to have a book on the beach in Mexico. And I'm getting more excited about Mexico. Not that I wasn't before. I just didn't think that much about it because it felt so far off. But now it's feeling closer. After a dinner of Tequila Shrimp and some cake shots along with some Latino music, John and I definitely feel more Mexico-bound. Just a few more weeks! Until then...I will fully enjoy my Dracula (along with my Dracula know it's unavoidable with a mind like this). And maybe get more of a taste for Tequila.
With the onslaught of summer, I have felt this severe urge to read something. I've been avoiding reading for fun this entire past year for the simple fact that I had SO many things to read for school. So now that I'm officially school-less, I feel my inner-self saying "READ!!!!!!!!!!!" I am a picky reader. I like fantasy but it can't be too fantasy-y. I like sci-fi but it can't be too sci-fi-ish. So basically if the book begins with something like, "Marione was never good with animals. But with her new pet dragon Orgi and with the help of her fairy friend Musha, little Orgi was beginning to fly like the champion dragon he was. The space dragon racing federation was beginning in just 3 short months and in order to compete in the magical tournament of mushrooms, Orgi had to be fully shampooed and..." AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just can't handle it. I can't even really explain what I like reading. (And no, I can't explain where the heck that just came from. Can't.) I just know I like some series and others I can't stomach. And I also go through phases. Right now, I can't handle anything too fantasy-ish. But considering I just started reading Dracula, some might categorize that as fantasy to some degree. Horror fantasy? So you see what I mean? Confusing. Anyway...I just started Dracula last night. I met up with my old friend Cait last night whom I've known since....ever? We perused around Barnes and Noble since that is what we did last time we met up and we both love writing and books. While perusing, I mentioned needing a book and we ran across Dracula. She said I had to buy it and start reading at once. And considering she was the one who encouraged me to read Pride and Prejudice, I trust her taste in books thus far. I am excited to have a book on the beach in Mexico. And I'm getting more excited about Mexico. Not that I wasn't before. I just didn't think that much about it because it felt so far off. But now it's feeling closer. After a dinner of Tequila Shrimp and some cake shots along with some Latino music, John and I definitely feel more Mexico-bound. Just a few more weeks! Until then...I will fully enjoy my Dracula (along with my Dracula know it's unavoidable with a mind like this). And maybe get more of a taste for Tequila.
Photo: Bram Stoker's Dracula found via Culture Deluxe
I think we have the same sort of taste in reading. I'm thinking about re-reading Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for the millionth time just to get me back into the swing of things. Best. Book. Ever.
Beware of that tequila ;) I have this theory that tequila makes you WAY MORE STUPID than any other liquor. I should know, because tequila is the only liquor I drink. Hehe.