Sick Tea School

I'm sick. It started as a sore throat and has somehow morphed into the apocalypse. Only inside my head. It's been interesting to say the least. After pep-talking myself most of the morning and early afternoon to get out and do some pottery work at school since my teacher had the studio open, I got out and did just that. Afterward I stopped at the grocery store and poof...I felt HORRIBLE again. I woke up feeling HORRIBLE also. So...that was lovely. I somehow made it home, got dinner on and stumbled around the house trying to contain myself. Once I got some food and Tylenol in me, I felt a lot better. And tea didn't hurt either. Now I'm here...awake at midnight and a half, wondering what the heck to do with myself. I don't really want to sleep (Helloooooooo curse of deployments!) but I also feel like staying up is only going to lengthen me being sick. I also have homework that I cannot, repeat, cannot leave until the last minute. Especially if I'm feeling like this. But the truth is...all in all I'm stressing out way too much about things that are...well...dumb. There is SO much crap I need to get done around my house...but...I have to keep reminding myself I'm SICK! I'm not going to break my back getting stuff done if that means being sick longer.
The kitties have been good companions, cuddling with me when I just need some love and company.
Photo: Unknown found via Blisstree


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