The Power of Orange Knickers...

I love under-garments. I haven't completely determined why. They're just great. When I first started wearing bras I swore I'd hunt down the inventor and destroy him/her. I figured it must be a man though cuz I remember them being literally painful to wear...a woman would never intentionally put other women through that. But I've since gotten over that...they aren't painful anymore...(I'm not sure what was up with that...weird...they're not supposed to be a form of torture...or at least as far as I understand. I could be very wrong). If I were forced to wear garter belts and nylons the rest of my life, I don't think I'd mind THAT much. Some days I would but not all...I'm generally a big fan. Pantyhose on the other hand were DEFINITELY invented by a man and that man being Satan himself...because they are pure EVIL and I loathe them. They are quite possibly the only undergarment I do not like. But nylons (as in thigh-high) are fine. I'd totally be a classic pinup girl...if I didn't become an object of lust.