My little nugget is turning two. I'm kind of in denial. I keep thinking January 4th is weeks away. And then it's suddenly tomorrow. It makes me happy and very sad. She seems older and still just a baby all at once.
A day in the life of Sabine:
She is big for her age and super long so clothes that P is just now outgrowing are going straight to her. She refuses to speak English. She says a handful of words and the rest is uh, meh, oh, meeee, and eh...all of which have very specific meanings. All cats (or animals) are de-georgie. She once said kitty and then I guess she figured it would be easier to call them all after her cat. She enjoys riding her cats and giving them tightly gripped hugs.
For not saying much, she still babbles a lot (think full conversations without consonants) and she understands a ton. She is extremely rhythm and musically minded. She even pretends to lip-sync. She screams a lot right now. When she doesn't want to give something up, when something is taken from her, when Sissy is looking at her by accident...the usual.
She is extremely affectionate and will give you cuddles and snuggles most of the time when asked and often simply NEEDS to be cuddled with her binky. You will also find your rear end being on the receiving end of a hug or your leg getting a little unprompted kiss.
She enjoys coloring ie removing the caps of pens and eating them.
She believes scrunching her shoulders, tip-toeing, and squinting will make her invisible and you won't notice she's going to where you just told her not to go. She's strong-willed and has no concept of listening or obeying. At this age, I could get P to stop and wait (like not running into the street) but not this little one. She enjoys doing things HER way and HERSELF.
She LOVES chapstick. If there is chapstick in the vicinity, she will find the owner and will smack her lips at them intently and impatiently until she is offered it.
She's very tender-hearted with an adventurous spirit; she has always been much further ahead physically than P was at this age. I can already tell she snaps back from falls and tumbles but she's always sure to come and point out her boo-boo to you in her unconsonant babble. She fell and cut her lip open (and tore her lip tie!) during a stop on the road trip and as soon as she saw John, she had to point to her lip repeatedly so he knew something happened.
She currently has an aversion to some stuffed toys; she thinks they're real and they freak her out.
Happy Birthday, Little One. You still remain a balm on my heart as when you were first born. Even on the most difficult days (like today!) I am so lucky to be your Mommy and love every time you say my name and want to plop down in my lap. I can't wait to see what you will become...and what you'll say when you get going with talking!