That's FAIRY Godmother, to you!

I became a godmother.
I became Catholic! But that's a much longer post. Yesterday, my sweet goddaughter Eibhlin Tierney (ev-lynn) was born at 8lb 11.9oz and 19 3/4 inches long to my sweet friend Susan and husband Scott.
I'm absolutely smitten!! She is perfect and I'm thrilled to be her godmother and can't keep from smiling. I found out good friends had their daughter on the same day; I am glad these girls will share a birthday, even if just for my joy in knowing and seeing the connection.
So a lot has changed. Or more...grown. Shifted. Deepened. I began a personal journey a year or so ago. I can't explain it other than the gentle guidance of God. And I'll tell more another time. But I've learned that a lot is not what it seems or what is popular opinion concerning the Catholic faith/church. And whatever you may have been raised thinking, I have found something here that my soul needs. I'm grateful for it.


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